Benefits of this Opportunity

From Jacki Hill Agent ID #949 / Category:

SMS Mobile messaging allows you to extend the reach of your direct mail insert to engage with consumers. Consumers who want the convenience of having money saving offers with them wherever they go.

With BOOST Contact Text Message Marketing you get:

• Specific keyword(s)
• A LOCAL Account Executive as well as a Account Manager at our home office in Baton Rouge, LA
• The ability to acquire an unlimited database of engaged customers

BOOST Contact Text Message Marketing allows you to:

• Push competitive offers that drive transactions
• Connect with consumers who want their offers via text
• Text your mobile members with an immediate offer to generate business
• Reach consumers you may not otherwise be able to connect with

1 remarkable replies:

Julian Levi said on March 12, 2013 at 9:33 PM  

I like your blog... thanks for sharing this informative writing..!

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